ParkLife Outdoor Fitness for All
- Train with a group outdoors or complete the workout from home at a time that suits your schedule as all workouts are recorded and saved to our private group
- Minimal equipment needed (dumbbell or Kettlebell)
- Gain Access to our private Facebook or WhatsApp group
We’re here to help you get fit and get social. Every session begins with a warm up, gradually building in intensity to ensure you are suitably prepared for the session ahead. The warm up also provides a great opportunity to chat to some of our members and find out more about ParkLife and what keeps them coming back.
ParkLife fitness sessions are challenging, you can do as much or as little as you like. There’s no need to worry about your fitness level. There is no peer pressure – you alone will feel how hard to push yourself. Our Workouts are suitable for all fitness levels.
You will leave a ParkLife training session feeling energetic and positive – that’s a promise!
Email: and we’ll organise our first call
Really excited to getting you started!
You can also purchase the program directly from our website and Mick will get in touch with you to get you started!